Made for Moms: the Simple Meal Plan Collective

By Kelsey Willey

A monthly meal planning membership for busy moms that takes ALL of the guesswork (and drama) out of feeding your family – and yourself!

Mom, you have A LOT on your plate.

You’re running your kids to and from school, practice and their friends’ houses.

At this moment, you’re probably somewhere in the process of washing + drying, folding, and putting away clothes (and there’s always more to do, so you’re never “finished”).

And you’re cleaning + picking up clutter and toys constantly – otherwise, your house looks like a tornado 🌪 came through.

One thing’s for sure: You’re BUSY. And probably tired.

The LAST thing you need is to stress about what to make every time mealtime rolls around – that’s 3 times a day, EVERY DAY, in case you forgot 🤪

AND what to serve at snack time that will please everyone and [hopefully] hold them over until their next meal.

Your no-brainer solution?

Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective.




The monthly meal planning membership that will not only save you time and energy but also give you an immediate answer to your least-favorite frequently asked question…

“What’s for dinner, Mom?” 😵‍💫

Inside Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective, you’ll get the following delivered straight to your inbox on the 1st of every month:


3 dinner recipes, 2 breakfast recipes, 1 lunch recipe, and 1 dessert recipe


3 snack recipes (including themed seasonal/holiday snacks that kids will LOVE), which can double as quick + easy meals


1 of the recipes will be created so your kids can get involved in the kitchen and help out (aka: no sharp knives required!)

Each recipe includes simple, basic ingredients that can be easily adjusted/changed to accommodate food allergies or dietary preferences.

You won’t have to scour your grocery store for random spices you’ll only use once (and that your kids will hate) – nope, we’re keeping it SIMPLE.

Every month, you’ll know exactly what’s on the menu

10 healthy, delicious meals + snacks that your whole family will LOVE.

The best part?

You get ALL of this for just $9 a MONTH!

Yep, you read that correctly…

Just $9 a month to COMPLETELY eliminate the stress and overwhelm of meal planning.

Get ready to say goodbye to:

👉🏼 Endlessly scrolling through Pinterest as you try [and fail] to find something that’s simple to make, requires basic ingredients AND that your kids will actually eat

👉🏼 Cooking a meal for your kids AND a separate meal for you and your husband (NO ONE has time for that!)

👉🏼 Rummaging through your refrigerator and pantry only to realize you have nothing on hand to make dinner so you order a pizza or roll through a drive-thru AGAIN

👉🏼 Wandering around the grocery store with no plan, just ~vibes~ and wondering what in the world you’re going to cook for your family (and yourself) that week

👉🏼 Pouring yourself a bowl of cereal for dinner, followed by a big glass of wine and several handfuls of chips and leftover Halloween candy

Once you’re in Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective, you’ll know EXACTLY what to buy at the grocery store + how to put all of the ingredients together so meal planning + cooking become the easiest part of your week.

Because let’s be honest – you have PLENTY of other things to worry about, right?

Let’s take meal planning OUT of the equation and give you some sanity back, Mom.

Hi, I’m Kelsey!

I’m a certified personal trainer + nutrition coach, wife, and mom of 2 who helps women lose weight and feel like THEMSELVES again – that’s why I created Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective.

Many of the women I coach are overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated (I mean, what mom doesn’t feel that way at least every other day? 😂), and I’m on a mission to show them they can feel amazing, lose weight and thrive *WITHOUT* adding even more onto their already full plate.

Hear me out: You don’t need to turn your entire life upside down to start getting the results you want.

Instead, you need a simple, no-nonsense, DOABLE way to move forward and begin building momentum.

It IS possible to transform into the version of yourself you KNOW is inside of you. Maybe you haven’t seen her in a while… but she is there.

My job is to help you take the first step – and my $9 monthly meal planning membership could be EXACTLY what you need to start taking your time + energy back and taking care of YOU.

Because guess what? Your diet of cold chicken nuggets, mac & cheese and Goldfish isn’t cutting it (and you know it).

You also know you don’t have the capacity to meal plan every.single.week… otherwise, you’d already be doing it.

Let’s take meal planning OFF your plate, Mom. I promise you won’t miss itnot even a little bit!


  • No problem! Each meal + snack recipe can be easily adjusted based on your family’s unique needs, preferences and tastebuds. For example, if a recipe calls for a certain type of pasta noodle, bread or pizza dough and someone in your family needs to avoid gluten, you can always substitute a gluten-free option!

  • Every recipe is designed to be low-effort and will require VERY little time! We are NOT making elaborate, fancy meals that require 1,000 different ingredients – instead, you can expect each recipe to take no more than 30 minutes to complete from start to finish (this includes ~10-15 minutes of prep time).

  • Absolutely! You can expect to receive 10 done-for-you recipes for healthy, balanced meals and snacks inside Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective. If you’re counting macros (protein, carbs + fat) and have specific targets to hit, these recipes will fit easily into your day of food – you may just have to add extra chicken to hit your protein goal, for example.

  • I can’t guarantee your family will like EVERY recipe, but I *can* say you’ll never receive some fancy, off-the-wall recipe that includes ingredients kids typically don’t like. As a mom of 2 young children, I know how picky they can be – and I know how frustrating it is to feel like a short-order cook who’s making different meals for everyone.

    Even if a particular recipe doesn’t jive with your family, you’ll have several others to choose from – each month, you’ll get 10 BRAND NEW recipes! It won’t take long for you to have TONS of options to choose from, and you’ll likely end up with several favorites you can rotate through.

  • Definitely! All you have to do is DM me on Instagram @sassybrunettefitness to make a request!

  • When you sign up, you’ll get INSTANT access to your first month of recipes! Then, for just $9 a month, you’ll get 10 NEW, done-for-you recipes delivered straight to your inbox on the 1st of every month.

All right, you’ve reached the end of the line - are you in?

Let’s break it down.



Made for Moms: The Simple Meal Plan Collective is for you if you…

👉🏼 Are sick of trying to figure out what to cook and want to know EXACTLY what to make for your family and weight loss goals every month

👉🏼 Think healthy meals have to be complicated and take FOREVER to make (hint: I’m gonna prove you wrong)

👉🏼 Are losing your mind trying to do ALL THE THINGS and need *SOMETHING* handled for you and you never loved meal planning, anyway

👉🏼 Have tried other meal plan subscriptions and felt disappointed because the recipes weren’t created with YOU + your family in mind

👉🏼 Just peeked at your bank account and realized you’ve spent a small fortune on DoorDash/UberEats + the drive thru because you never know what’s for dinner

Do you feel seen, Mom? 👀

If so, good news: This monthly meal planning membership is 100% for you.

And it’s only $9! 🎉

An EASY investment in yourself, your family – and your sanity.